Teachers and Journalists Now Have a Bot That Can Detect Another Bot or a Human

Al, Bots, Text, Writing, Essays, College, GPTZero, https://www.thedailybeast.com

The coming of ChatGPT brings with it a new set of unpredictable digital dilemmas. High school teachers, college academics and journalists fear this new Al chatbot due to its ability to generate essays and articles. Some educators already notice their students using it.

Although OpenAl plans to have “watermarks” to verify the use of ChatGPT or not, there is no official way to do so as yet. This poses a real challenge to educators and journalists alike.

GPTZero is something that gives some hope for now. Edward Tiang, a 22-year-old senior at Princeton who recently created this app claims it can “quickly and efficiently” tell whether someone or OpenAl’s ChatGPT wrote an essay or not.

The app (GPTZero), relies on two separate metrics to detect if a bot wrote a text. When text goes into the app, it assigns a number. A lower score increases the likelihood of a bot writing it. Read more here.